Thursday 4 August 2011

18 months!!!

I've been freaking sober for 18 months!

It really is a huge accomplishment. The  change in the quality of life is astounding. I can't even begin to count the ways. I'm so proud to have finally see what I was doing to myself and everyone around me, to have the courage (and brains!) to walk away from all that and deal with all my stuff.

I'm certain I'll see that kind of difference without the cigs too. Not quite the same...always knew/remembered what i was doing  while smoking...but there are some similarities.

The "addiction gets priority" is true with smoking. I don't miss that. The last $8 was always mine. We couldn't leave to go anywhere until I had my cigarette.  The sneaking away to fit in my cigarette all those times I broke quits and was a temporary closet smoker.

When you really stop and look at's just as life sucking and pathetic as any other drug/alcohol addiction.

Yesterday I spent most of the day anxiety free. One day that will be the norm and I'll be free of the two major, poisonous addictions in my life. What a fantastic day that will be!!!

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